Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and the Best to You and Yours in 2020!
In 2019 the NYLHCA moved onward and upward – but only with your help! We are always seeking to gain new Benefit Funds as members - and we appreciate when our members are the ones to refer them to us from their Regions.
The opportunities that await us in 2020 are very significant for the health and welfare of our Fund Members and their covered Brothers and Sisters. Our Product Development Committee has already met and started a process which will focus on our members top voiced priority needs in benefits as noted via the 2019 Annual Survey. This will be an ongoing process into and beyond 2020 - and YOU are invited to participate in helping us make the best choices in vetting benefits and Vendors for our Alliance.
Our next Quarterly Meeting will be held on February 6th, 2020 at our Albany building location- usually starting about 9:30am. Details to come prior to meeting. We hope many can make it in-person- or if not, please plan to be on our call-in line. May 7th will be our 2nd Quarterly Meeting in NYC at the Milliman Offices.
As we all hurry and work to prepare for the Holidays (which go too fast!), please do take time to really appreciate your Family and Friends – and let them know it! It is a busy time for our Administrators wrapping up 2019 and prepping for 2020 - but remember each day on this Earth is a gift, but it is up to You to unwrap it!!!
Thank you ALL - Members and Vendors - that supported our successful Annual Event and participated in our periodic meetings and projects. Only with your continued help in 2020 can our Alliance keep moving forward with enhancing benefit choices, negotiating beneficial costs, and keeping on top of what our Members really need to assist their Fund and their people.
Be Safe, Healthy, and Prosperous in 2020!!